OSP SLING Products is proud to present our on-site, 250,000 lb. proof test machine. This state-of-the-art, ASTME4 certified test machine manufactured by Roberts Testing and Equipment has added a new dimension to our business. We can now proof load test and supply our customers with a full-color, computer generated, E4 certified test certificate. In addition, we are able to run periodic destruction tests to assure the ultimate in quality control.

Call us for quotations on your proof test needs at (800) 437-5464.


Any warranty, expressed or implied as to quality, performance or fitness for use is always premised on the condition that the published rated capacities apply only to new, unused slings and assemblies, that the mechanical equipment on which such products are used is properly designed and maintained, that such products are properly stored, handled, used, maintained, and properly inspected on a regular basis during the period of use.

Seller shall not be liable under any circumstances for consequential or incidental damages or secondary charges including but not limited to personal injury, labor costs, a loss of profits resulting from the use of said products or from said products being incorporated in or becoming a component of any other product.